Easy Chicken Curry That Takes Just 20 Minutes To Cook And Tastes Out Of This World

Who said you can't eat potatoes on a raw food diet? Well, most raw foodists do! However, there are substitutes that can come close to the taste and texture of the amazing mashed potato that are worth a try.

The stuffed paratha starts out as a Roti rolled out, in the centre of which is placed a dollop of stuffing (spiced, mashed boiled potatoes, cauliflour etc). The Roti is then picked up by the edges, sealed (by pressing together) and then rolled out again. This is then cooked the same way as a Paratha. Typically it is served crisp, with yoghurt (sometimes whipped) with pickles. An idea after-paratha drink is sweet, milky tea.

The cooked version of mashed cauliflower as a replacement for mashed potatoes has been around for a while. This is a raw version. By keeping it raw, you are retaining all of the precious nutrients of the cruciferous cauliflower while mimicking the creamy texture of the mashed potato. This is a must try.

For the main dish you can choose any vegetable curry, just ask when you order for it to be cooked in any vegetable oil rather than ghee. Ghee is too fattening. You can also have lentils known as dhal. Make sure these dishes are not cooked with creamy sauces. If you want to eat meat then dishes like tikka masala or tandori meat are good choices. These meats are cooked in the More Info oven.

The key to eating healthily is to make sensible food choices. Avoid alcohol when going out for meals as this will severely affect your judgment. Plus alcohol packs on more calories, fat and empty (useless) carbohydrates into your system. Drink water with your meal and score ten out of ten for your food choices and decision making.

If it is not possible even then to get a cure for obesity, we have to wait till more researches in the fields of energy medicine and bio energetics discover some successful techniques to unlock the doors of DNA and effect a vibrational repair to change the genetic code!

Yogurt - This is used in a lot of dishes. It is also a cooling contrast to spicy dishes. Some people prefer making their own yogurt rather than buying from shops or supermarkets.

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